Into the Jungle

January 1st, 2016 was a significant date. It represented a shift for me. Before hand I was going ‘down’ (south), to “the end of the world”, and on this day my journey flipped and suddenly I was going ‘up’, (north), home. Not directly, but each kilometer marker we passed was one kilometer closer to home. 

This day also represents the last day I posted any writings. Why? Not sure. 
So anyway, 3 months later after some time in Chile, a second stint in Córdoba, a few intense weeks in northern Argentina, a three day bus ride and a week of vacation with the Letchinger’s, here I am, in Lima, Peru, drinking mate.
Now that that is out of the way, here is my real update:
I have taken a job in Córdoba as the Community Coordinator for Casa de La Mateada. This is the study abroad program that I did back in 2013 and have been helping with this past year while traveling.
Perhaps I will expand on the position later, for now just know that I am stoked beyond belief.
By me accepting this job, the nature of my journey has shifted. I have bought a ticket home for the end of May, leaving from Cartagena Colombia. I have given myself two months to cover the 3,600 some kilometers.
My next move involves me going to the jungle. I found a project that seems worth checking out, here is a link to their page.

This is where it is:


For perspective: the blue dot is me, in Lima. The Red one is where I am going. Because of the mountains it is 9 hours away!! My first obstacle is altitude. Shout out to Dana Letchinger for the pills she left me.


It may not make much sense… In spanish I have described it as a “project in the woods”, in Claire’s words, “a hippie commune”, truthfully I am not sure what I am getting myself into. But I have learned not to shy away from absurd sounding experiences, i.e. living with priests in a school, hanging out with woman and babies who live in a former trash dump’, 2,000km of nothing (Patagonian desert), hiking in the Andes without a tent after not eating for a week, hitchhiking around Argentina with a girl you cannot communicate with (the southern spanish have quite the accent), surfing with a dude named Fletcher who doesn’t wear underwear. You get the idea.
Thanks for checking in.

(Formating sucks because Dan has left, along with his computer)

Here are some random pictures:


  This photo and the one above it are from Cerro de Los 14 Colores – 14 colored mountian, in Jujuy, Argentina. With me are the before mentioned Spanish girl (Itziar) and a friend we met from Buenos Aires (Luciano)
  Iruya: a small town in Salta, Argentina. The horses are from poeple that come to the town from thier homes in the mountains. I befriended a father and son who traveled 8 hours by horse, they invited me to put the tent up at thier grandmas, which I did. Next time I will go with them to their house in the mountains.   
Morning hike in Salta

Vicunas, which as camelids that live in the alps. This photo is really for Maddie.

Iruya again. 
 First view of the day from the tent behind the truck stop 
San Isidro, a town only reached by  walking along a river for several hours, proud to say I didn’t lose my passport here, which was not certain for some time…

Sunset in Lima with the Letchingers – one of the many great moments in our week together 

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