A Sunday In September (9-13-15)

A Mid-September Sunday
Yesterday was cold. In fact, all week it has been cold (relatively cold, not Minnesota cold), but this morning there were warm winds to accompany the rising sun. A beautiful fall Sunday fit for a BBQ and a football game. Except here they don’t have BBQs, they have Asados. (All the better)
Also it’s not football, but rather fútbol (soccer). River Plate vs Boca Juniors, a classic rivalry.
Lastly it’s not fall, but spring.
Other than that it is the exact same thing I did last September….
Disclaimer: A few other differences include but are not limited to: wine instead of beer, K-12 school instead of University, I am with sober priests and parents of the school instead of you know… you get the idea.

I failed to get a picture of the parrilla (grill), but will be sure to do so at some point.



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