Good Morning (8-25-15)

Its your day off and you are laying in bed. You have woken up, but your eyes aren’t even open. Thoughts are beginning to form, you are quickly becoming conscious of your surroundings. Your covers are a welcome companion, real welcome. There is nothing quite like that period of time when your not asleep, but not quite awake. But it never lasts long, quickly one transitions into, “ok get your ass out of bed”. Everyone has their own methods, or struggles, of getting out of bed, but recently my Great Aunty Mary (G.A.M.) proposed an entirely different approach. She described to me her bed exiting strategy. Never force yourself. Do not remind yourself of all the days demands, or try to bribe yourself with the days forthcoming pleasures. Instead, just let it happen. Lay there, be content with where you are at, and before you know it BAM, your out of bed and ready to go. Just be patient and let it happen, because it will happen. Today is the day I get out of bed. People have asked if I am ready, nervous, excited, prepared, anxious, packed etc. and the my answer has been yeah, kinda, a bit, I don’t know.  At some point in the last few months all of those things have been true (aside from being packed which was not even close to true until a few hours ago) but now, regardless of how I feel, it is happening.

This summer I have been trying to take G.A.M.’s advice and just be content (which I really have been). Not to force anything, to let it happen on its own. (And although I purchased the plane ticket) that is exactly what has happened. A minute ago I was in bed thinking about all the possible experiences that await, and now I am up and off and it doesn’t matter if I am nervous, excited, prepared, packed, or anything else because its happening here and now. I’m out of bed and wide awake, lets get it.